Bright Stars Kids University

100 Village Green Suite 100, Lincolnshire, 60069 Tel (847) 955-0000 Fax (844) 318-6906


Bright Stars Kids University Childcare's Programs

We create a warm, safe, and healthy atmosphere where your child can play and learn. Our Full-time and Part-time programs offer a comprehensive range of activities to promote holistic development, including Social Development, Math, Language Skills, Reading/Literature, Music, Art, Dance, Yoga, and Physical Development. Additionally, we schedule live performances and concerts to enrich your child's cultural experiences.

Benefits for Your Child

Your child will receive the best of everything at Bright Stars Kids University Childcare. Our offerings include:

  • Balanced Nutritional Meals: We provide balanced, nutritional meals four times a day, including two hot meals, to support your child's growth and well-being.
  • Outdoor Play: Children have the opportunity for outdoor play twice a day, weather permitting, allowing them to engage in physical activity and explore their natural environment.
  • Smooth Transition into First Grade: Our programs are designed to ensure a smooth transition into first grade, preparing your child with the skills and confidence needed for academic success.

Child Care Center Programs: PreschoolPre-School

Child Care Center Programs: PreKPre-K

Child Care Center Programs: KindergartenKindergarten

Child Care Center Programs: BabysittingBabysitting

Child Care Center Programs: SummerSummer program

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